Saturday, March 24, 2007
About Me
- Name: Benedict White
- Location: Sussex, United Kingdom
I was born in march 1968 in a small village in Hertfordshire, just north of London. My father was English (English father Irish mother) and my mother is Welsh. When I was 2 months old the family moved to the Lebanon. I had some very good times there. We left due to the war in a convoy that was miles long and travelled by road from Beirut to Damascus in an 8 hour journey on the 4th of July 1976. Since then i have lived in Croydon then various parts of Mid Sussex where I now live.
Hmmm.. I thought Linux was 'Open source', so I am not sure why Novell is promoting it ?
And how is this different from Sun ?
I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do...
I don't think I would feel ready to go out and buy one of Dell's new 'Linux' machines [pc? ] on the back of this advert...
Linux is open source and gets promoted by lots of people. Novell would like you to go to them for training and installation support etc.
I wouldn't buy a Dell at all, Linux or otherwise. What made me laugh is that I heard they wanted more money for the Linux one! What a cheek!
That's cute.
Have you ever received the Unix email virus?
Tricia, No I haven't. Email it to me, (my email address is on my political blog!)
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